- Every student should be in the College campus at 9.15 am Late comers will be viewed seriously by the authority.
- Morning worship and assembly will be conducted from 9.30 am to 9.45 am everyday by the students.
- All students have to be in the uniforms on all the working days except on days when specific exemption is granted.
- Students are required to be regular and punctual in their classes.
- The use of mobiles by the students is strictly prohibited in the campus. Mobiles found in the custody of students in the campus, whether in use or not, will be confiscated.
- "Cleanliness is next to godliness." Don’t throw litter about. Sakthi is vowed to keep its campus pollution free and eco friendly.
- "A thing of beauty is joy forever"
Students should take special care to keep their Classrooms, Library, Labs, Toilets etc. neat and tidy. Any damage done will be recovered from the entire body of the students. - Students should always keep their college identity cards with them wherever they are in the campus.
- Whenever students attend a meeting in the college Auditorium special care should be taken to maintain a proper sense of decorum. Strict silence should be maintained and never walk out of the auditorium while somebody speaks on the dais. Leave the auditorium only after the programme is over. Howling or whistling inside the auditorium shall be reprimanded.
- Students who are found using drugs, smoking or found in a drunken state in the college premises will be summarily dismissed from the college.
- Server disciplinary action will be taken against those who in any way disturb the atmosphere and tone of the college. The students observe the dictum To learn obeying is the fundamental art of governing .
Teaching not only occurs in the classrooms. The library is a storehouse of immense knowledge and the books and journals are there to serve students academic and research needs.
- The library is the holy shrines of learning. Keep absolute silence when the students are using the library.
- The library is in the immediate charge of the Librarian.
- All the students and staff members of the college are members of the library.
- The library working hours are from 9.30 A.M to 5.30 P.M on all working days.
- Students are advised not bring bags, books, files etc. to the library. For making notes the students may take a note book or few sheets of white paper.
- Every student will be entitled to borrow two books at a time.
- During the library hours, open access is permitted to the students, students are strictly instructed not to disturb the arrangement of books on shelves while searching of the books.
- Students are expected to use all books with care.
- Books should be returned on or before the last date stamped on the return slips in the books.
- A students failing to return a book within the prescribed time will be fined one rupee for each working day.
- If a book is damaged or lost it will have to be replaced, or pay such compensations as may be fixed by the Librarian.
- Books of reference, Encyclopedias and journals will not be issued out.
- All arrears of library should be clear by the students before they receive their Hall Tickets for University Examinations.
- The library rules must be strictly followed or students will forfeit the privilege of borrowing books.
The word ‘Etiquette’ means good and proper manners. Good manners are the practical application of the golden rule. “Do unto others, as we would have others do unto us”
The Physical Director and staff will be in charge of ensuring discipline on the campus. The staff council will look into the grievances and complaints if any of students and do their best to set things right.
All applications for leave with details regarding the period and the cause should be submitted to the principal in the prescribed from at least a day before it is required.
Students are not permitted to absent themselves without leave. When leave is applied for owing to sickness the production of a certificate by a registered Medical practitioner may be required.
Absence without leave for a part of the day will be treated as absence for full day.
Each candidate whose admission is approved by Tamil Teachers University should gain 85% ( i.e 170 days ) of attendance, failing which they will not be permitted to appear for the B.Ed. degree examination. (Both written and practical examinations)
In case of shortage of attendance application of condonation must be made to the University authorities and unless such condonation is obtained students may not be able to take the examination.
The college Magazine will be published once a year. It will be a record of various activities of the college during the academic year and will contain articles, poems, sketches, drawings, cartoons and photographs of value and interest to staff and students.